by Will Blears





When you have diabetes you will have to keep check on blood pressure as a way of maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. One factor that can have a big impact on your blood pressure is your salt intake. Hence, you may try to cook recipes that keep your salt intake under control. This is not as hard as it may seem.

When you are cooking the simplest way to limit your salt intake is to cook without using salt. If a recipe calls for a pinch of salt, don't use it. If you usually add salt to the food before you eat it then don't. At first you may notice a difference in the flavour, and this difference may be unpleasant at first. However, the longer you go without salt in your diet the less you will want to add it to your food.

As well as not using salt, you can use certain herbs or spices to add a flavour in place of the salt. There are many herbs that are good for this, including tarragon, basil, mint and many more. When you are cooking try to use recipes that use these instead of salt, and this should be easy when using specially formulated diabetic recipes. If you buy ready-made food, then check the labels for reduced salt content foods.

You can also try to include foods rich in potassium in your diet which will help you to excrete more salt in your urine, or use specially formulated salt replacements in your cooking.

Find some diabetic recipes and they will be adapted for great taste at the same time as including low salt levels or no salt at all. Keeping control of the salt you eat is beneficial even to those without diabetes, so a little effort here will really pay off.


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