Hair loss and male-pattern baldness is an affliction suffered by thousands of men, and can be a real source of embarrassment and insecurity for those not ready to lose their hair or shave their head. Even worse and more devastating are the younger case where the hair loss process begins long before a person even reaches his thirtieth birthday.

Well, people can do what most of the others do, shave their head for the sake of uniformity. Lots of men look great with a shaved head, as it just fits their personality and style, and they seem comfortable that way. For those unwilling to give up on their hair, there are hairpieces or plugs, neither of which has been perfected to the point of being undetectable, and both having a societal stigma as being somewhat shoddy and undesirable.

The other option, of course, is to try one of the hair loss products that several trustworthy manufacturers now offer, both in prescription and nonprescription form. While there is still no magic pill that can unflinchingly promise every man and woman who takes it will re-grow their hair, there are some very promising and efficient hair loss products and treatments currently on the market and also in development.

Rogaine (Monoxadil), Propecia, Avacor and Proxiphen are just a few of the top prescription and nonprescription hair loss products on the market today, and they have all had varying degrees of success in re-growing their client's hair.

Since the demand for hair loss products is so great, there have been many non-prescription hair loss alternatives recently introduced in an effort to offer men and women, a more suitable and economical alternative to re-grow hair and prevent further hair loss. There are also several vitamins that have been specially formulated both for thinning hair and to promote the speedy growth of shiny, healthy hair. Vitamins for thinning hair and faster hair growth and re-growth are usually a varying combination of several key amino acids, vitamins B6 and E, biotin, and zinc. Many who take vitamins of this nature do report thicker, more lustrous and healthy hair, but if their goal is to actually re-grow hair and not just thicken thinning hair, then people would probably want to consider a more serious hair loss supplement or treatment that specifically targets balding and hair loss.

Here's a little tip to help stimulate hair growth, people need to massage the scalp with hot oil. This is an age-old hairstylist tip to help stimulate the hair follicles, unclog any blocked oil glands in the scalp, and help promote a healthy scalp and new, healthy and shiny hair growth. Plus, this process helps in relaxing and it feels good, so it is not such a chore! Hair loss supplements can range from pricey to reasonable, untested and tested, and medically proven vs. not medically proven. People have to use good judgment and do a little homework on the internet, or by reading consumer reviews, testimonials and surveys to see what really should work best for their situation. Some manufacturer even offers money back guarantees or some sort or money back for unused portions.



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