by Will Blears





Diabetics are in need of a healthy and balanced diet with foods rich of vitamins and minerals as well as protein foods, carbohydrates and fats which make the balanced diet. Root vegetables and fruits are great sources of vitamins and minerals as well as fiber and are great for decreasing the chances of diabetics having heart attacks and strokes.

Diabetics are at a higher risk of having various different side effects from their blood sugar levels rising after meals such as heart attacks and blindness. Therefore it is important for diabetics to stick to a diabetic diet which should contain root vegetables and fruits to increase the amounts of vitamins and minerals they can have in their body.

By eating root vegetables and fruits not just as snacks but as a part of your meal as the food works together to keep the level of absorption low enough for blood sugar levels not to rise too fast, by eating fruits as a snack with out any other types of food you are more likely to increase your blood sugar level too fast due to the quick absorption of the sugars contained within the food.

Therefore the key to eating a balanced diabetic diet is including fruits and root vegetables which are high in vitamins and minerals as a part of one of your 3 meals a day. Whether its breakfast, lunch or dinner it doesn't matter just ensure they are eaten with meals to allow the correct rate of absorption of the sugar whilst in the stomach.

You can see why fruit and root vegetables are ideal foods to include in anyone's diabetic diet as they are rich sources of vitamins and minerals they can help to keep that balanced diabetic diet.


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